Machine Learning Hooks


Before you install machine learnings hooks, please make sure you have installed the Event Notification Server (Installation of the Event Server (ES)) and have it working properly


Please don’t ask me basic questions like “pip3 command not found - what do I do?” or “cv2 not found, how can I install it?” Hooks require some terminal knowledge and familiarity with troubleshooting. I don’t plan to provide support for these hooks. They are for reference only

Key Features

  • Detection: objects, faces

  • Recognition: faces

  • Platforms:

    • CPU (object, face detection, face recognition),
    • GPU (object, face detection, face recognition),
    • EdgeTPU (object, face detection)
  • Machine learning can be installed locally with ZM, or remotely via mlapi


  • Only tested with ZM 1.32+. May or may not work with older versions
  • Needs Python3 (Python2 is not supported)


Kung-fu machine learning goodness.

This is an example of how you can use the hook feature of the notification server to invoke a custom script on the event before it generates an alarm. I currently support object detection and face recognition.

Please don’t ask me questions on how to use them. Please read the extensive documentation and ini file configs


Automatic install

  • You need to have pip3 installed. On ubuntu, it is sudo apt install python3-pip, or see this
  • Clone the event server and go to the hook directory
git clone # if you don't already have it downloaded

cd zmeventnotification
  • (OPTIONAL) Edit hook/ and change:
    • CONFIG_FILE to point to the right config file, if you changed paths
sudo -H ./ # and follow the prompts

I use a library called Shapely for polygon intersection checks. Shapely requires a library called GeOS. If you see errors related to Failed `CDLL(` you may manually need to install libgeos like so:

sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev

Google TPU: If you are planning on using Google EdgeTPU support, you’ll have to invoke the script using:

sudo -H INSTALL_CORAL_EDGETPU=yes ./ # and follow the prompts

EdgeTPU models/underlying libraries are not downloaded automatically.

For EdgeTPU, the expectation is that you have followed all the instructions at the coral site first. Specifically, you need to make sure you have:

  1. Installed the right libedgetpu library (max or std)
  2. Installed the right tensorflow-lite library
  3. Installed pycoral APIs as per the instructions.

If you don’t, things will break. Further, you also need to make sure your web user has access to the coral device.

On my ubuntu system, I needed to do:

sudo usermod -a -G plugdev www-data

Very important: You need to reboot after this, otherwise, you may notice that the TPU code crashes when you run the ES in daemon mode (may work fine in manual mode). Replace ‘plugdev’ with ‘apex’ for the Coral PCIe accelerator.


Starting version 5.13.3, you can optionally choose to only install specific models by passing them as variables to the install script. The variables are labelled as INSTALL_<model> with possible values of yes (default) or no. <model> is the specific model.

So for example:


Will only install the YOLOv4 (full) model but will skip the YOLOV3 model.

Another example:

sudo -H INSTALL_CORAL_EDGETPU=yes ./ --install-es --no-install-config --install-hook

Will install the ES and hooks, but no configs and will add the coral libraries.

Note:: If you plan on using object detection, starting v5.0.0 of the ES, the setup script no longer installs opencv for you. This is because you may want to install your own version with GPU acceleration or other options. There are two options to install OpenCV:

  • You install a pip package. Very easy, but you don’t get GPU support
  • You compile from source. Takes longer, but you get all the right modules as well as GPU support. Instructions are simple, if you follow them well.


However you choose to install openCV, you need a minimum version of 4.1.1. Using a version below that will very likely not work.

Option 2: Manual install

If automatic install fails for you, or you like to be in control, take a look at what does. I used to maintain explicit instructions on manual install, but its painful to keep this section in sync with

Post install steps

  • Make sure you edit your installed objectconfig.ini to the right settings. You MUST change the [general] section for your own portal.
  • Make sure the CONFIG_FILE variable in is correct

Test operation

sudo -u www-data /var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/ <eid> <mid> # replace www-data with apache if needed

Replace with your own eid (Example 123456). This will be an event id for an event that you want to test. Typically, open up the ZM console, look for an event you want to run analysis on and select the ID of the event. That is the eid. The mid is the monitor ID for the event. This is optional. If you specify it, any monitor specific settings (such as zones, hook customizations, etc. in objectconfig/mlapiconfig.ini will be used).

The above command will try and run detection.

If it doesn’t work, go back and figure out where you have a problem


To upgrade at a later stage, see How do I safely upgrade zmeventnotification to new versions?.

Which models should I use?

  • Starting 5.16, Google Coral Edge TPU is supported. See install instructions above.
  • Starting 5.15.6, you have the option of using YoloV3 or YoloV4. V3 is the original one while V4 is an optimized version by Alexey. See here. V4 is faster, and is supposed to be more accurate but YMMV. Note that you need a version GREATER than 4.3 of OpenCV to use YoloV4
  • If you are constrained in memory, use tinyyolo
  • Each model can further be customized for accuracy vs speed by modifying parameters in their respective .cfg files. Start here and then browse the issues list.
  • For face recognition, use face_model=cnn for more accuracy and face_model=hog for better speed

Understanding detection configuration

Starting v6.1.0, you can chain arbitrary detection types (object, face, alpr) and multiple models within them. In older versions, you were only allowed one model type per detection type. Obviously, this has required structural changes to objectconfig.ini

This section will describe the key constructs around two important structures:

  • ml_sequence (specifies sequence of ML detection steps)
  • stream_sequence (specifies frame detection preferences)

6.1.0+ vs previous versions

When you update to 6.1.0, you may be confused with objectconfig. Specifically, which attributes should you use and which ones are ignored? It’s pretty simple, actually.


use_sequence=no is no longer supported. Please make sure it is set to yes, and follow instructions on how to set up ml_sequence and stream_sequence correctly

  • When use_sequence is set to yes (default is yes), ml_options and stream_sequence structures override anything in the [object], [face] and [alpr] sections Specifically, the following values are ignored in objectconfig.ini in favor of values inside the sequence structure:

    • frame_id, resize, delete_after_analyze, the full [object], [alpr], [face] sections
    • any overrides related to object/face/alpr inside the [monitor] sections
    • However, that being said, if you take a look at objectconfig.ini, the sample file implements parameter substitution inside the structures, effectively importing the values right back in. Just know that what you specify in these sequence structures overrides the above attributes. If you want to reuse them, you need to put them in as parameter substitutions like the same ini file has done
    • If you are using the new use_sequence=yes please don’t use old keywords as variables. They will likely fail.

    Example, this will NOT WORK:

    ml_sequence= {
       general: {
          'model_sequence': '{{detection_sequence}}'

    What you need to do is use a different variable name (as detect_sequence is a reserved keyword which is used if use_sequence=no)

    But this WILL WORK:

    ml_sequence= {
       general: {
          'model_sequence': '{{my_sequence}}'
  • When use_sequence is set to no, zm_detect internally maps your old parameters to the new structures

Internally, both options are mapped to ml_sequence, but the difference is in the parameters that are processed. Specifically, before ES 6.1.0 came out, we had specific objectconfig fields that were used for various ML parameters that were processed. These were primarily single, well known variable names because we only had one model type running per type of detection.

More details: What happens when you go with use_sequence=no?

NOTE: Please use use_sequence=yes. In the past, I’ve allowed a mode where legacy settings were converted to stream_sequence auto-magically when I changed formats. This caused a lot of issues and was a nightmare to maintain. So please migrate to the proper format. If you’ve been using use_sequence=no it will likely break things, but please read the help and convert properly. use_sequence=no is no longer maintained.

In the old way, the following ‘global’ variables (which could be overridden on a per monitor basis) defined how ML would work:

  • xxx_max_processes and xxx_max_lock_wait that defined semaphore locks for each model (to control parallel memory consumption)
  • All the object_xxx variables that define the model file, name file, and a host of other parameters that are specific to object detection
  • All the face_xxx variables, known_images_path, unknown_images_path`, save_unknown_* attributes that define the model file, name file, and a host of other parameters that are specific to face detection
  • All the alpr_xxx variables that define the model file, name file, and a host of other parameters that are specific to alpr detection

When you make use_sequence=no in your config, I have a function called convert_config_to_ml_sequence() (see here) that basically picks up those variable, maps it to an ml_sequence structure with exactly one model per sequence (like it was before). It picks up the sequence of models from detection_sequence which was the old way.

Further, in this mode, a sream_sequence structure is internally created that picks up values from the old attributes, detection_mode, frame_id, bestmatch_order, resize

Therefore, the concept here was, if you choose not to use the new detection sequence, you _should_ be able to continue using your old variables and the code will internally map.

More details: What happens when you go with use_sequence=yes?

When you go with yes, does NOT try to map any of the old variables. Instead, it directly loads whatever is defined inside ml_sequence and stream_sequence. However, you will notice that the default ml_sequence and stream_sequence are pre-filled with template variables.

For example:

ml_sequence= {
             'object': {
                             'same_model_sequence_strategy': 'first' # also 'most', 'most_unique's
                     'sequence': [{
                             #First run on TPU with higher confidence
                             'object_labels': '{{tpu_object_labels}}',
                             'object_min_confidence': {{tpu_min_confidence}},

                             # YoloV4 on GPU if TPU fails (because sequence strategy is 'first')
                             'object_labels': '{{yolo4_object_labels}}',

Note the variables inside {{}}. They will be replaced when the structure is formed. And you’ll note some are old style variables (example object_detection_pattern) along with may new ones. So here is the thing: You can use any variable names you want in the new style. Obviously, we can’t use object_weights as the only variable if we plan to chain different models. They’ll have different values.

So remember, the config presented here is a SAMPLE. You are expected to change them.

So in the new way, if you want to change ml_sequence or stream_sequence on a per monitor basis, you have 2 choices: - Put variables inside the main *_sequence options and simply redefine those variables on a per monitor basis - Or, redo the entire structure on a per monitor basis. I like Option 1.

Understanding ml_sequence

The ml_sequence structure lies in the [ml] section of objectconfig.ini (or mlapiconfig.ini if using mlapi). At a high level, this is how it is structured (not all attributes have been described):

ml_sequence = {
   'general': {
      'model_sequence':'<comma separated detection_type>'
   '<detection_type>': {
      'general': {
         'pattern': '<pattern>',
         <series of configurations>
         <series of configurations>


  • The general section at the top level specify characteristics that apply to all elements inside the structure.

    • model_sequence dictates the detection types (comma separated). Example object,face,alpr will first run object detection, then face, then alpr
  • Now for each detection type in model_sequence, you can specify the type of models you want to leading along with other related parameters.

    Note: If you are using mlapi, there are certain parameters that get overridden by objectconfig.ini See Exceptions when using mlapi

Leveraging same_model_sequence_strategy and frame_strategy effectively

When we allow model chaining, the question we need to answer is ‘How deep do we want to go to get what we want?’ That is what these attributes offer.

same_model_sequence_strategy is part ml_sequence with the following possible values:

  • first - When detecting objects, if there are multiple fallbacks, break out the moment we get a match
    using any object detection library (Default)
  • most - run through all libraries, select one that has most object matches
  • most_unique - run through all libraries, select one that has most unique object matches

frame_strategy is part of stream_sequence with the following possible values:

  • ‘most_models’: Match the frame that has matched most models (does not include same model alternatives) (Default)
  • ‘first’: Stop at first match
  • ‘most’: Match the frame that has the highest number of detected objects
  • ‘most_unique’ Match the frame that has the highest number of unique detected objects

A proper example:

Take a look at this article for a walkthrough.

All options:

ml_sequence supports various other attributes. Please see the pyzm API documentation that describes all options. The options parameter is what you are looking for.

Understanding stream_sequence

The stream_sequence structure lies in the [ml] section of objectconfig.ini. At a high level, this is how it is structured (not all attributes have been described):

stream_sequence = {
     'frame_set': '<series of frame ids>',
     'frame_strategy': 'most_models',
     'contig_frames_before_error': 5,
     'max_attempts': 3,
     'sleep_between_attempts': 4,



  • frame_set defines the set of frames it should use for analysis (comma separated)
  • frame_strategy defines what it should do when a match has been found
  • contig_frames_before_error: How many contiguous errors should occur before giving up on the series of frames
  • max_attempts: How many times to try each frame (before counting it as an error in the contig_frames_before_error count)
  • sleep_between_attempts: When an error is encountered, how many seconds to wait for retrying
  • resize: what size to resize frames too (useful if you want to speed things up and/or are running out of memory)

A proper example:

Take a look at this article for a walkthrough.

All options:

stream_sequence supports various other attributes. Please see the pyzm API documentation that describes all options. The options parameter is what you are looking for.

How ml_sequence and stream_sequence work together

Like this:

for each frame in stream sequence:
   perform stream_sequence actions on each frame
   for each model_sequence in ml_options:
   if detected, use frame_strategy (in stream_sequence) to decide if we should try other model sequences
      perform general actions:
         for each model_configuration in ml_options.sequence:
            if detected, use same_model_sequence_strategy to decide if we should try other model configurations

Exceptions when using mlapi

If you are using the remote mlapi server, then most of these settings migrate to mlapiconfig.ini Specifically, when sees ml_gateway in its [remote] section, it passes on the detection work to mlapi.

NOTE: Please use use_sequence=yes. In the past, I’ve allowed a mode where legacy settings were converted to stream_sequence auto-magically when I changed formats. This caused a lot of issues and was a nightmare to maintain. So please migrate to the proper format. If you’ve been using use_sequence=no it will likely break things, but please read the help and convert properly. use_sequence=no is no longer maintained.

Here are a list of parameters that still need to be in objectconfig.ini when using mlapi. (A simple rule to remember is uses objectconfig.ini while mlapi uses mlapiconfig.ini)

  • ml_gateway (obviously, as the ES calls zm_detect, and zm_detect calls mlapi if this parameter is present in objectconfig.ini)
  • ml_fallback_local (if mlapi fails, or is not running, zm_detect will switch to local inferencing, so this needs to be in objectconfig.ini)
  • show_percent (zm_detect is the one that actually creates the text you see in your object detection (detected:[s] person:90%))
  • write_image_to_zm (zm_detect is the one that actually puts objdetect.jpg in the ZM events folder - mlapi can’t because it can be remote)
  • write_debug_image (zm_detect is the one that creates a debug image to inspect)
  • poly_thickness (because zm_detect is the one that actually writes the image/debug image as described above, makes sense that poly_thickness needs to be here)
  • image_path (related to above - to know where to write the image )
  • create_animation (zm_detect has the code to put the animation of mp4/gif together)
  • animation_types (same as above)
  • show_models (if you want to show model names along with text)

These need to be present in both mlapiconfig.ini and objectconfig.ini

  • secrets
  • base_data_path
  • api_portal
  • portal
  • user
  • password

So when using mlapi, migrate configurations that you typically specify in objectconfig.ini to mlapiconfig.ini. This includes:

  • Monitor specific sections
  • ml_sequence and stream_sequence
  • In general, if you see detection with mlapi missing something that worked when using objectconfig.ini, make sure you have not missed anything specific in mlapiconfig.ini with respect to related parameters

Also note that if you are using ml_fallback, repeat the settings in both configs.

Here is a part of my config, for example:

## Monitor specific settings
# doorbell
valid_face_area=184,235 1475,307 1523,1940 146,1940

# Driveway

# Front lawn

stream_sequence = {
      'frame_strategy': 'most_models',
      'frame_set': 'alarm',
      'contig_frames_before_error': 5,
      'max_attempts': 3,
      'sleep_between_attempts': 4,


About specific detection types

License plate recognition

Three ALPR options are provided:

  • Plate Recognizer . It uses a deep learning model that does a far better job than OpenALPR (based on my tests). The class is abstracted, obviously, so in future I may add local models. For now, you will have to get a license key from them (they have a free tier that allows 2500 lookups per month)
  • OpenALPR . While OpenALPR’s detection is not as good as Plate Recognizer, when it does detect, it provides a lot more information (like car make/model/year etc.)
  • OpenALPR command line. This is a basic version of OpenALPR that can be self compiled and executed locally. It is far inferior to the cloud services and does NOT use any form of deep learning. However, it is free, and if you have a camera that has a good view of plates, it will work.

alpr_service defined the service to be used.

Face Dection & Recognition

When it comes to faces, there are two aspects (that many often confuse):

  • Detecting a Face
  • Recognizing a Face

Face Detection

If you only want “face detection”, you can use either dlib/face_recognition or Google’s TPU. Both are supported. Take a look at objectconfig.ini for how to set them up.

Face Detection + Face Recognition

Face Recognition uses this library. Before you try and use face recognition, please make sure you did a sudo -H pip3 install face_recognition The reason this is not automatically done during setup is that it installs a lot of dependencies that takes time (including dlib) and not everyone wants it.

Using the right face recognition modes

  • Face recognition uses dlib. Note that in objectconfig.ini you have two options of face detection/recognition. Dlib has two modes of operation (controlled by face_model). Face recognition works in two steps: - A: Detect a face - B: Recognize a face

face_model affects step A. If you use cnn as a value, it will use a DNN to detect a face. If you use hog as a value, it will use a much faster method to detect a face. cnn is much more accurate in finding faces than hog but much slower. In my experience, hog works ok for front faces while cnn detects profiles/etc as well.

Step B kicks in only after step A succeeds (i.e. a face has been detected). The algorithm used there is common irrespective of whether you found a face via hog or cnn.

Configuring face recognition directories

  • Make sure you have images of people you want to recognize in /var/lib/zmeventnotification/known_faces
  • You can have multiple faces per person
  • Typical configuration:

In this example, you have 3 names, each with different images.

  • It is recommended that you now train the images by doing:
sudo -u www-data /var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/

If you find yourself running out of memory while training, use the size argument like so:

sudo -u www-data /var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/ --size 800
  • Note that you do not necessarily have to train it first but I highly recommend it. When detection runs, it will look for the trained file and if missing, will auto-create it. However, detection may also load yolo and if you have limited GPU resources, you may run out of memory when training.
  • When face recognition is triggered, it will load each of these files and if there are faces in them, will load them and compare them to the alarmed image

known faces images

  • Make sure the face is recognizable
  • crop it to around 800 pixels width (doesn’t seem to need bigger images, but experiment. Larger the image, the larger the memory requirements)
  • crop around the face - not a tight crop, but no need to add a full body. A typical “passport” photo crop, maybe with a bit more of shoulder is ideal.


  • In general, I expect you to debug properly. Please don’t ask me basic questions without investigating logs yourself
  • Always run or in manual mode first to make sure it works
  • Make sure you’ve set up debug logging as described in Logging
  • One of the big reasons why object detection fails is because the hook is not able to download the image to check. This may be because your ZM version is old or other errors. Some common issues:
    • Make sure your objectconfig.ini section for [general] are correct (portal, user,admin)
    • For object detection to work, the hooks expect to download images of events using https://yourportal/zm/?view=image&eid=<eid>&fid=snapshot and possibly https://yourportal/zm/?view=image&eid=<eid>&fid=alarm
    • Open up a browser, log into ZM. Open a new tab and type in https://yourportal/zm/?view=image&eid=<eid>&fid=snapshot in your browser. Replace eid with an actual event id. Do you see an image? If not, you’ll have to fix/update ZM. Please don’t ask me how. Please post in the ZM forums
    • Open up a browser, log into ZM. Open a new tab and type in https://yourportal/zm/?view=image&eid=<eid>&fid=alarm in your browser. Replace eid with an actual event id. Do you see an image? If not, you’ll have to fix/update ZM. Please don’t ask me how. Please post in the ZM forums

Debugging and reporting problems

Reporting Problems:

  1. Make sure you have debug logging enabled as described in Logging
  2. Don’t just post the final error message. Please post _full_ debug logs.

If you have problems with hooks, there are two areas of failure:

  • The ES is unable to unable to invoke hooks properly (missing files/etc)

  • Hooks don’t work

    • This is covered in this section
  • The wrapper script (typically /var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/ is not able to run

    • This won’t be covered in either logs (I need to add logging for this…)

To understand what is going wrong with hooks, I like to do things the following way:

  • Stop the ES if it is running (sudo stop so that we don’t mix up what we are debugging with any new events that the ES may generate
  • Next, I take a look at /var/log/zm/zmeventnotification.log for the event that invoked a hook. Let’s take this as an example:
01/06/2021 07:20:31.936130 zmeventnotification[28118].DBG [main:977] [|----> FORK:DeckCamera (6), eid:182253 Invoking hook on event start:'/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/' 182253 6 "DeckCamera" " stairs" "/var/cache/zoneminder/events/6/2021-01-06/182253"]

Let’s assume the above is what I want to debug, so then I run zm_detect manually like so:

sudo -u www-data /var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/ --config /etc/zm/objectconfig.ini --debug --eventid 182253  --monitorid 6 --eventpath=/tmp

Note that instead of /var/cache/zoneminder/events/6/2021-01-06/182253 as the event path, I just use /tmp as it is easier for me. Feel free to use the actual event path (that is where objdetect.jpg/json are stored if an object is found).

This will print debug logs on the terminal.

Performance comparison

  • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1660 v3 @ 3.00GHz 8 cores, with 32GB RAM
  • GPU: GeForce 1050Ti
  • TPU: Google Coral USB stick, running on USB 3.0 in ‘standard’ mode
  • Environment: I am running using mlapi, so you will see load time only once across multiple runs
  • Image size: 800px

The TPU is running in standard mode, not max. Also note that these figures use pycoral, which is a python wrapper around the TPU C++ libraries. You should also look at Google’s Coral coral benchmark site for better numbers. Note that their performance figures are specific to their C++ code. Python will have additional overheads (as noted on their site) Finally, if you are facing data transfter/delegate loading issues considering buying a good quality USB 3.1/10Gbps rated cable. I faced intermittent issues with delegate load issues (not always) which seems to have gone away after I ditched Google’s cable with a good quality one (I bought this one)

pp@homeserver:/var/lib/zmeventnotification/mlapi$ tail -F /var/log/zm/zm_mlapi.log | grep "perf:"

First Run (Model load included):

01/25/21 14:45:19 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: Starting for frame:snapshot]
01/25/21 14:45:22 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:tpu TPU initialization (loading /var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/coral_edgetpu/ssdlite_mobiledet_coco_qat_postprocess_edgetpu.tflite from disk) took: 3086.99 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:22 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:tpu Coral TPU detection took: 39.30 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:22 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo initialization (loading /var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/yolov4.weights model from disk) took: 182.36 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:23 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo detection took: 1249.93 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:23 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG2 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo NMS filtering took: 0.68 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:26 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Face Recognition library load time took: 0.00 ms ]
01/25/21 14:45:30 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Finding faces took 4418.08 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:30 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Computing face recognition distances took 80.49 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:30 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Matching recognized faces to known faces took 3.13 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:30 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: Starting for frame:alarm]

Second Run:

01/25/21 14:45:35 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: Starting for frame:snapshot]
01/25/21 14:45:35 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:tpu Coral TPU detection took: 24.66 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:35 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo detection took: 58.06 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:35 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG2 [perf: processor:gpu Yolo NMS filtering took: 1.35 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:35 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Finding faces took 290.92 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:35 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Computing face recognition distances took 14.51 ms]
01/25/21 14:45:35 zm_mlapi[953841] DBG1 [perf: processor:gpu Matching recognized faces to known faces took 2.23 ms]

Manually testing if detection is working well

You can manually invoke the detection module to check if it works ok:

sudo -u www-data /var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/ --config /etc/zm/objectconfig.ini  --eventid <eid> --monitorid <mid> --debug

The --monitorid <mid> is optional and is the monitor ID. If you do specify it, it will pick up the right mask to apply (if it is in your config)

STEP 1: Make sure the scripts(s) work

  • Run the python script manually to see if it works (refer to sections above on how to run them manually)
  • ./ <eid> <mid> –> make sure it downloads a proper image for that eid. Make sure it correctly invokes If not, fix it. (<mid> is optional and is used to apply a crop mask if specified)
  • Make sure the image_path you’ve chosen in the config file is WRITABLE by www-data (or apache) before you move to step 2

STEP 2: run zmeventnotification in MANUAL mode

  • sudo stop
  • change console_logs to yes in zmeventnotification.ini
  • sudo -u www-data ./  --config ./zmeventnotification.ini
  • Force an alarm, look at logs

STEP 3: integrate with the actual daemon - You should know how to do this already